TLC Tugger Canister User Declaration

Read this! You could get hurt!

Thanks for your interest in the TLC Tugger Canister tape-based tugging method. A tugging device gives you the power to do real damage if used carelessly. Even if used correctly, tugging can cause damage if something unexpected happens. For example you might be wearing your device while you have a slip-and-fall accident. The setup wasn’t dangerous until combined with the high energy of your body falling. Proceed with caution.

Men who wish to restore slack skin but who are starting out tight use our Canister line of Tugging gear. These devices let you tension the skin by taping it to the barrel of a rigid cylinder, and then pulling on that cylinder with straps, weights, or a traction rig.

When adding tension, take it easy. Just because a method is capable of pulling with a lot of force does not mean we expect anyone to wear the maximum amount. For foreskin restoration I have found 12 ounces is more than enough for about an hour, and 7 ounces is enough for longer wear, but the system lets you fine-tune the amount. The best amount to wear depends on penile girth, skin thickness, available slack, health and hygiene, and intended wear duration. Start low and work up very gradually until getting through 4 straight hours begins to be a challenge, then back off one setting. Never tolerate pain.

So to purchase these devices you must affirm the declaration below:

I’d like to buy a TLC Tugger Canister device. I understand that tugging for foreskin restoration is an activity that requires care. I will stop what I’m doing and seek prompt medical attention if any restoring activity gets uncomfortable. I will get medical advice before starting if I have diabetes, hemophilia, Raynaud’s phenomenon, chronic substance abuse, or any condition that might affect normal circulation or pain sensation.

I will use gentle tension, targeting my daytime adjustment so that I could wear the device at least 4 consecutive hours comfortably.

I will try any technique with which I wish to sleep BEFORE getting into bed – while awake and with an erect penis – since I will most certainly have nocturnal erections in my sleep. While sleeping with a pillow under my knees may help keep me on my back, I will take stock of the sorts of mishaps that could occur if I do flop around in my sleep while wearing a device. If I decide to proceed, I will set an alarm every two hours the first few nights so I can check on the state of my penis and device. I will never tug down toward the knee when erections are expected.

I will keep the tugging device clean. I understand that TLC Tugger recommends owning two canisters to add flexibility to the cleaning schedule. The recommended regimen for tape is removal at the end of a shower at which time devices can also be washed with a soft toothbrush and soap.

Even if I do everything perfectly, unforeseen events like slips and falls could put me in special danger while tugging. I realize that the device coming off me while in public could cause me embarrassment and perhaps even disqualify me from certain professions. I will take steps to avoid this, but it is a risk I willingly assume. I have been advised to obtain a Tugging Jock like is offered by to contain parts in the event my device loosens from my penis. I will take care to keep parts out of reach of toddlers and pets.

While 1000s of men have found foreskin restoration worthwhile, I realize it is not well studied scientifically. Like many things in life, it is something I undertake even in the face of uncertainty because I think the rewards outweigh my general perception of the risks. I will stay in touch with and the free online User Group: ( to be apprised of any newly identified risks.

I have read every word of the product description at and viewed the demo videos (new videos will always be announced via Twitter). When I get the gear if I am unsure how to proceed I will ask questions via e-mail, the free online forum, or by calling 847 414-1692 (at my expense if necessary) until I am comfortable with the answers, or I will return the devices for a refund*.

I am responsible for my own health, and for my decisions about how to tug and what activities to engage in with a tugging device on. Nobody at, Inc. is a doctor. This document does not directly affect my legal rights but I am required by, Inc. to read, understand, and affirm it if I want to buy and use a TLC Tugger Canister device for foreskin restoration.

(your name)
(current date)

-Ron Low
President,, Inc.