Effective Date: 07/01/2024
Control and Manufacturing:
As of 07/01/2024, all manufacturing and improvements of our devices are managed by Stealthretainers.com, with general advice from Ron Low as needed.
Warranty for Purchases Before 03/01/2024:
Devices purchased before 03/01/2024, when TLC changed ownership, will have warranty replacement and repair at the discretion of Stealth Retainers.
Satisfaction Guarantee:
- Silicone Devices: Warranted for 3 months. Returns for replacement or refund are at the discretion of Stealth Retainers.
- Straps and Canisters: Warranted for 3 months.
Right-Size Guarantee:
Provide accurate glans-width measurements to the nearest 1/16″ or mm, or email ruler photos as per our example, for the Right-Size guarantee. Resizing requires sending us your glans-width pictures.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee:
All purchases are protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee. Shipping and payment processing charges (e.g., Stripe fees) are non-refundable except in the case of a product defect or incorrect shipment.