It’s great to undo the damage of circumcision and the benefits of foreskin restoration are awesome, but for some the real healing comes from working to end child circumcision.
Activists working to protect the right of all boys, girls, and intersex children to remain intact and free of non-therapeutic forced genital cutting are called intactivists.
Get involved. Your voice is needed. Since there’s no money in “doing nothing” to healthy babies, we’ll have a difficult job overwhelming the message of the well-funded and well-positioned status quo.
Participate in recurring events:
– Protest the AAP (pediatrics) convention or the ACOG (obstetrics) convention or the AUA (urology) convention (because these American doctors’ trade associations have not denounced forced genital cutting as their foreign counterparts have)
– March on the US capitol and Whitehouse (because US law protects only girls but leaves boys and intersex children vulnerable)
– March in a human rights parade
Put your money to good use:
– Donate to
– Donate to
– Donate to
– Donate to (formerly
– Donate to Bruchim, which helps non-cutting Jewish families connect with welcoming congregations
Show your support, start a conversation:
– Wear intactivist apparel
– Make yourself a sign or banner
– Display an intactivist bumper sticker
– Demonstrate in public. Our EVENTS page lists upcoming events near you
– Write your legislator
– Form a local action group
Arm yourself with facts:
– Read comments on the CDC’s 2014 proposed guidance on circumcision (still not published)
– Read a book
– Visit
– Understand common circumcision complications and the severe ways circumcisions go wrong
– Know the medical studies relevant to the harms and rights violations
– Learn why Men Do Complain about the damage and human rights violation of forced genital cutting
– Study the suspicious motivations for VMMC (“Voluntary” Male Medical Circumcision) in Africa
– Read the latest evidence showing that circumcision is of no value to thwart HIV
– Learn how to speak to expecting parents about intersex conditions
– Watch a DVD or online video (there’s a great curated list of videos at Your Whole Baby)
– Check out our resource list
Speak through your art or be inspired:
– Songs and song parodies
– Poems and prose
– Cartoons, videos, and other visual art
Promote equal rights on social media:
– Facebook
– Twitter
– YouTube