Interim Operations as of December 2023

Time marches on

Hi, it’s Ron. My wife Alice and I founded TLC Tugger in 2003, and now we are preparing to retire. Until our successors are fully trained and ready to take over, we’re operating in a new way.

We’re offering the same dependable restoration gear and compassionate support. I’ve shortened the warranty period just so I’m not making promises I might not be around to keep.

We’ll go to the post office only twice per week, so the average wait will increase by two days.

Prices have gone up. For now, 30% of your purchase will go as a donation* divided among these worthy non-profits:
Bruchim, helping non-cutting Jewish families connect with welcoming congregations., bringing a fun pro-foreskin message to America’s youth at large outdoor events. (formerly, a registered UK charity helping intact men avoid circumcision and helping cut men learn about foreskin restoration., the Genital Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund, bringing the harm of forced non-therapeutic genital reduction to the forefront through legal action., the largest genital autonomy charity, working to bring US society to the tipping point where intactness is the norm., which is involved in highly effective direct advocacy and lobbying.

The new management can do whatever they want when they take over, most likely in March 2024. But I won’t hand this brand over to anyone unless I feel they see it as mission as much as a business.

-Ron Low
December 1, 2023

*PS – If you can show recent financial support to an organization like the ones listed, contact us for a coupon code to trim 30% off the new TLC prices. If you have a hardship, we’ll help you set up a crowd funding campaign.

Update: These charities got $402 each in December, $342 each in January, $448 each in February, and $286 each in March. Thanks for the support!